  • NAAC Accredited C Grade With CGPA 1.72 (1st cycle 2018)

  • Savitribai Phule Pune University Affilation ID No. PU/NS/ACS/150/2009
  •     College E-mail:mjmcollege1@yahoo.com

The Institutional Best Practice

The College is located in Karanjali village of tribal area surrounded by other villages. The main occupation of the peoples is either agriculture. Imparting knowledge to these peoples about agricultural-plants and fertilizer etc. will help them in pursuing their profession more scientifically. Similarly, providing knowledge about our cultural history, tradition, geographic information and language skills will help in socioeconomic transformation of the society. The college promotes social responsibilities and citizenship roles among the students by arranging co-curricular activities for this purpose.


To create social responsibility among the students
To make students aware of the various contemporary social issues in the society.
To develop sensitivity towards these issues and to encourage active participation of students.
To make the students to learn to work in a team. To develop leadership quality among the students.
To make them good citizens and develop nationalism. To develop and promote our culture.
To create awareness on environmental issues.
To develop student’s skills and attitude required to deal effectively with various social issues.
To offer required guidance for overcoming the problems at individual or group level.

The Context

Today the society is undergoing with lot of problems such as environmental degradation, gender inequality, violence against women, disintegration of family, substance abuse, indifferent attitude of youth, cybercrime, and problems of senior citizens and so on. These issues have created a need to develop a social centric approach and human qualities among students who are the strong pillars and future of India. This requires inculcating among students’ interpersonal skills, conceptual and designing skills. This will make students aware about the contemporary social issues existing around and will also help them to develop analytical skills and design skills. The aim is also to develop the quality to lead and communicate effectively


Samarth Bharat Abhiyan

This programme is run by S. P. Pune University, Pune with important issues.“Clean Up, MJM” – This group came up with an objective to create awareness aboutcleanliness and involving people’s participation and thereby transforming them to move towards cleanliness. They participated and motivated other students to clean the campus. Various other activities such as suggestion box, writing good thoughts on blackboard, survey for getting students’ feedback about ways to keep the campus clean, etc. helped the group in effective implementation of their project.

National Service Scheme (NSS)

NSS has one unit in the college. Under this scheme regular as well as special camping programmes are arranged. The NSS volunteers actively participated and worked on social issues like superstition eradication, Tree plantation, Ashram Visit, repairing of internal roads, Health check up camps, blood checking and blood donation camp. NSS volunteers also organize seven-day camps in rural areas. To create awareness it organizes, rallies, road acts etc. and aware the society about HIV/AIDS. This scheme is useful for those students who come from economically backward class; it provides financial support as well as creates awareness of the responsibility among the students.

Eco club,

The college has established Eco club in this academic year 2016-2017.
Faculty actively engaged in creating environmental awareness in public through member students of Eco Club.Special camping programmes are arranged by students to avoid the environment pollution due to plastic and packaging material and participate in waste management program.Celebrate environmental day by tree plantation.

Nature Club

Nature Club is established in college during 2016-2017. Nature Club conducts nature trail yearly to create awareness among the students. Nature club organized an exhaustive workshop on ‘Save the Environment’ in association with The Forest Department with the theme ‘Sustainable Development’, wherein the renowned environmentalist Mr. BishwaroopRaha was invited to deliver a talk. Zoology Dept and Nature club set up Vermicomposting project in the college premises. The project aims at producing organic manure by using waste and dry leaves. The students of nature club interact with local village people to create awareness among them about the importance of local biodiversity

Women Development Cell

An interactive session on ‘Law on violence against women’ was held with Chief Guest Advocate Dr.Pradnya Pawar.Basic self-defense techniques were given by professional trainers to Girl Students.MahilaSabalikaran- concentrating on their Health and Social issues

Evidence of Success

Our target is to accomplish the vision of the college. Various social activities are undertaken by the MJM college in different areas such as, environmental issues, social issues, youth-related issues etc. Besides NSS and every department of MJM has contributed towards the institutional social responsibility. The response from MJM is overwhelming and exhibiting high sense of awareness and responsibility towards the various social issues. Our students have continued their cause formally and informally even after exit from the college. e.g. Former students of MJM college are on the verge of forming an NGO and have continued their social activities till date. In the event of natural calamity, whenever a societal drive/campaign is conducted, the college receives voluntary and positive response from students who donate in kind. There is an increase in the number of students participating in above mentioned activities/programmes. College annual festival program is conducted with social theme. Certain areas have been adopted for its total development under NSS. There is an increasing trend with regard to the number of NGOs and programmes in which we are involved. Our efforts are being acknowledged and appreciated by our partnering agencies.
MJM Students won awards at District, Regional and State levels.

Problems Encountered

Considering the nature of the best practices devoting more and more time alone is the constraint. With the introduction of semester pattern examinations and exam-related work has increased which creates a time constraint for conducting various NSS and other social activities. (Time limitation in semester scheme). Majority of the students are from the rural background, so their involvement in various activities is limited.For girl students getting parental permission, for attending residential camps does not come easily.As overwhelmingly the campus is buzzing with socially inclined activities year after year, compared to the requirement, infrastructural facilities are limited, such as availability of auditorium or vacant classrooms for parallel activities.Getting sponsorship is the biggest hurdle as there is no financial allotment and the extent to which the society is covered depends upon the extent of fund flow for these events.Media coverage is limited and publicity thus becomes a challenge.

Best Practice- 2:

Title: Agro-services

The College is located in tribal area of Peth Taluka in Nasik District. The main occupation of the peoples is agriculture. Imparting knowledge to these peoples and students about agriculture and fertilizer will help them in pursuing their profession more scientifically. The college promotes Agro-based services and guides the farmers residing the Karanjali area by arranging exclusive programme for this purpose.


To support the adaptation of the small scaled farming production systems to climatic changes in the Karanjali and nearby Karanjali rural area, in order to improve the incomes and living conditions of the family-scaled farmers.

  • Guide the famers to protect the crop.
  • To make students aware of the various contemporary agricultural issues of farmers
  • To develop sensitivity towards these issues and to encourage active participation of students in such activities.
  • To develop and promote culture of farmers To create awareness on environmental issues
  • To offer required guidance to farmers for overcoming the problems at individual level

The Context

   Today the farmers are undergoing with lot of problems in agriculture such as environmental pollution, Soil and water pollution, pesticide attack on crop, chemical fertilizers and so on. These issues have created a better need to overcome these problems for better future of India. This requires guidance to the farmers and students. This will make farmers and students aware about the contemporary agricultural issues existing around and will also help them to develop analytical and design skills. Co-curricular activities prepare students practically for their future. These activities are necessary to raise the moral and ethical values among the students. Co-curricular activities provide helps to know students responsibility towards the society. In view of this, the college integrates the co-curricular activities viz: Vermicompost project, soil and water testing, environmental problems and climate change. The college promotes Implementation of Agro-services and practices to help the rural village farming


(i) Farmers Guidance Center

Farmers Guidance programme was started in MJM College from June 2015. The objectives of Farmers guidance Center is promoting and empowering the farmers of Peth region by facilitating their training, skills development and showcasing opportunities within the agricultural sector. The information dissemination platform is provided through the hosting of workshops, where our various clients and governmental organizations are able to do presentations to farmers and educate them on various topics. MJM College and Agriculture Dept. Peth Division Maharashtra Govt. organized Farmers workshop on Amba Mohor Saurakshan.

(ii) Vermicompost

Vermi composting is an alternative to reduce the amount of chemical fertilizers used by farmers. It is a simple and ecologic practice based on the rapid transformation of organic waste into high quality compost “Vermicompost” A Vermicomposting practice in college has been launched in 2015. Vermicomposting is one of the agro-ecological practices disseminated. MJM recognizes the importance of Vermicompost in agriculture sector for farmers and developed entrepreneurial skills among students.

(iii)Soil and Water testing

Soil analysis is a valuable tool for farm as it determines the inputs required for efficient and economic production. A soil test is a process by which elements (N, P, K, pH, Ca, Mg, S, organic carbon, and micronutriants: Zn, Br, Mn, Fe, Cu, Mo) are chemically identified in the soil and measured for their “plant available” content within the sample. A proper soil test will help ensure the application of enough fertilizer to meet the requirements of the crop while taking advantage of the nutrients already present in the soil. It will also allow you to determine lime requirements and can be used to diagnose problem areas. Soil and water testing services was started in college in academic year 2015-2016 with the help of students. College trains the group of students to test the soil and water samples from the farm of interested farmers to know the following attributes of the soil and water: Current pH levels of your soil and water. Fertility levels of the principal nutrients. Type and quantity of lime your soil needs. Nutrients need to be added to your soil as fertilizer. Amount of fertilizer your crop and soil needs.

Evidence of Success

       The farmers who use vermicompost consider it to be four times richer than compost, so that only one fourth of the quantity is required. The literature also suggests that Vermicompost provides distinct advantages over conventional compost, although not necessarily for every crop and in every situation. t is certain that there is sufficient evidence of the benefits of Vermicompost to justify further research, both at the University and on-farm levels. Whether the evidence is sufficient to interest an individual organic farmer in trying out the process for him or herself is an individual decision.

Contribution to adapting productive systems to the consequences of global warming at the regional level at a longer term basis through:

A better sequestration of carbon in the soils, or a slowing down of its de-sequestration and The strengthening of natural defense of the agro systems against the effects of global warming. Recycling of waste, More production of organic fertilizers Reduced use of chemical fertilizers Improved soil quality, Best quality of food

Problems Encountered

Changing habits is a real challenge. Demonstrations in their fields have convinced farmers. Mentality does not accept that worms can make compost that can replace fertilizers. A lot of communication, training, and site visits are necessary to increase the awareness of farmers. Vermicompost can be assimilated directly by plants and can be applied even on tender buds, there is no overdose in use, its application is simple and it is very effective.

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