  • NAAC Accredited C Grade With CGPA 1.72 (1st cycle 2018)

  • Savitribai Phule Pune University Affilation ID No. PU/NS/ACS/150/2009
  •     College E-mail:mjmcollege1@yahoo.com

Since the college is fully governed by the Sahyadri Shikshan Mandal, Dindori. The college administration is bound by the policies framed by the Department of Higher Education, State Government of Maharashtra and Savitribai Phule Pune University. Based on the locality, the local culture, occupation of the residents, the kind of students that the college caters to, the language and dialect the locals speak, this college has some individual vision and mission. Coming to the institutional vision, mission and objectives, the college has its own peculiarities and uniqueness. Karanjali is rural-tribal village situated in a place around which wide-ranging farms and forest is available. The college mostly caters to the higher educational needs of the students from the surrounding villages whose mother tongue is kokani, a local dialect of Marathi. For the same reason, the feeding for the college is mostly from these rural-tribal villages. The college, therefore, caters to the needs of the village students who are not able to migrate to big cities for their higher educational needs. It perfectly matches with the country’s vision of ‘Higher Education for all’. As compared to them modern standards of hi-tech education, the region is backward. However, the college is slowly but surely succeeding in its mission of bringing these rural-tribal students at par with their counterparts in big cities in gaining modern job oriented education.

The institution has completed 8 years with success in higher education by promoting rural Youths betterment and empowerment. To empower the socially, economically and educationally marginalized sections of the rural society of this region, the college has provided the following facilities:

  • Different facilities are provided for the student’s welfare and progression.
  • Adequate infrastructure facilities, B.A., B.Com and B. Sc. academic programmes for UG are reflected by good number of students from local and rural areas to enter and get of college education.
  • At present 06 short term courses and Ad-on course with free facilities offered
  • Different co-curricular and extracurricular activities, sports activities are organized to enrich the special talent of students and to extend the community service and involve the students in social issues
  • Teaching and learning process with computer aided LCD projector is provided in classroom when requires.
  • Internet facilities, partially computerized library with adequate books, magazines and journals are provided.
  • Adequate class rooms and laboratories are provided
  • IQAC has been established in 2015 by the college for enhancement of quality and quality sustenance in all areas of the college.

All the above constituents of the mission of the college categorically materialize the vision of the college promoting the empowerment of rural women through quality education. The college has planned for its natural growth in terms of increase in number of students, making available new emerging course programs, making available better teaching and learning facilities and improvements in sports and support services for the students. The college has long term perspective plans for development. The college has planned to have one separate building for computer laboratory and Ad-on-courses. The library building can also be extended for providing additional reading rooms and stack rooms. The college is applying for funds to funding agencies for procuring additional equipments and computers. The academic Committee confers on the areas like:

  • Teaching Learning and Evaluation with Innovative Techniques.
  • Research, Consultancy and Extension activities for Social betterment.
  • All round Development of students.
  • Nation Building, Ideal citizenship with potential.
  • Infrastructural sufficiency.

Considering the anticipated growth in number of enrolment, the college will need more number of class rooms, laboratories, library facilities, facilities for sports and games and increase in equipments and ICT resources. The Management, Principal and Faculty strive to bring into practice the vision and mission of the college. The management provides funds for various activities of the college. The management is composed of renowned personalities of society having a definite vision with strong will and potentials to implement welfare schemes of the college.

The management has various bodies such as Management/Executive Council, Governing body, Board of Trustees and Local Management Committee, Planning and Development Committee. Important points are circulated from Hon. Principal and other elements of the top management. They are discussed and finalized by the top management. Due importance of visions, missions and objectives, stated in the constitutions of the institutions are considered. Hon. Principal implements the finalized decisions.

The LMC holds general meeting before the beginning of the academic year for deciding policies and plans such as departmental requirements, budgets, infrastructural provisions, staff adequacy and commencement of new courses as per the need of society. The members of the Management visit various departments to ensure that the purchase is properly being put to practice for the benefit of the learners from time to time. Our Management has regular meetings with the Principal and Heads of all Departments in which the responsibilities of them are defined and explained. In every meeting a review of past work is taken and future activities are discussed or allocated. The faculties’ In-charge is appointed by the Principal and they perform duties as assigned by the Principal. The meritorious students and the competition winners in the field of the academics, sports and extra academic are publically felicitated by the Management and Principal so as to boost the energy of the students.

The Principal forms various committees in consultation with the faculty In-charge to look after the various activities in the college. The Principal, faculty In-charge, Heads, Co-ordinators ensure that duties and responsibilities assigned to persons concerned are duly communicated. Principal create a learning environment that values the academic, vocational, spiritual and developmental needs of all the students, integrating all these characteristics in a holistic way. The faculty members are also involved in most of the decision making at college level. The decisions taken are duly implemented and care is taken to do it successfully. The Principal ensures that all provisions of the University Statutes, rules and regulations of government of Maharashtra and UGC are implemented properly. The Principal arranges meetings with IQAC, various committees to carry out and give effect to the decisions of the top management. Importantly, the Principal in association with faculty of various Departments involves in strategies and decision-making for academic growth. The Chairpersons of various committees and HODs arrange meetings with their respective members to discuss and implement the plans and policies. The recommendations of the HODs and Chairman of various Committees are submitted to the Local Managing Committee and the Management takes suitable decisions for implementation. The Principal is member of the Managing Committee, hence he is actively involved in the decision-making process to sustain and enhance quality of education.

The following measures are undertaken for the effective planning and implementation of policies in this institution:

  1. Meetings of the Heads of Departments, to plan the activities.
  2. LMC meetings are held at the beginning of every semester to assess the faculty requirement, development needs, etc.

    • Faculty Meetings at the end of every month to evaluate the month’s activities against set targets and to plan for the month ahead.

  3. IQAC Core committee meetings with Principal, Heads of departments and the faculty at regular intervals to ensure and evaluate quality sustenance and enhancement programs, Dissemination of information to student body, implementation of plans and collection of feedback through class representatives.

The Institution Management Policy (Decentralization And Participative )

The college has a decentralized organizational functioning with strict adherence to the principle of collective responsibility. The college delegates authority and provide operational autonomy to all sections of academic performance, decision taking and implementation of plans and policies in curricular programs. For the effective functioning and to work towards the decentralized governance, the Principal appoints In-charge to look after the activities/programs. The Principal provides operational autonomy to HODs of departments, library and office, various curricular committees and students’ council while directing and coordinating them.

The Principal permits the HODs and staff members in performing freely in the academic activities and administrative programs for smooth running such as departmental activities, allotment of workload, various academic committee programs, association and club activities, conducting departmental test, teaching and learning process and evaluation regularly. The HODs of the department perform the academic programs with coordination and support of faculty members and student representatives. The departments decide the requirements for whole academic year like equipments, books and infrastructural facilities.

  • The Principal permits the HODs and staff members in performing freely in the academic activities and administrative programs for smooth running such as departmental activities, allotment of workload, various academic committee programs, association and club activities, conducting departmental test, teaching and learning process and evaluation regularly. The HODs of the department perform the academic programs with coordination and support of faculty members and student representatives. The departments decide the requirements for whole academic year like equipments, books and infrastructural facilities.
  • Other units like Sports, NSS and SWO are given operational autonomy under the guidance of the Principal. Co-curricular activities are coordinated by the faculty members and the student representatives, in close consultation with the Principal. Thus, these functional organs are primarily accountable to the Principal.
  • The college provides autonomy to organize competition, guest lecture, seminars, conferences, workshop, and faculty development programs by inviting external experts and resource persons. Also gives autonomy in organizing and participating intercollegiate competitions and to plan budget for activities of associations and club. Faculties are entrusted as chairman/coordinators for various associations and clubs and given autonomy to activate the club activities, curricular and co- curricular programs.
  • As faculty demands for the new courses, principal call the meeting with LMC and intend the need of new courses. In our college the method of plan of action, decision made on every subject is participative way. All these decisions made by democratic methods. As suggested by the faculties to start a new course like – Physics at final year of B.Sc. during 2017-18, the decision was made in LMC meeting to admit the students at T.Y. B.Sc. Thus, the college promotes participative management. The participative management consists of Chairman/co-ordinator, Secretary and members of the committee, the Principal, In-charge, HODs, teaching and non-teaching staffs, students office bearers and class representatives.

Perspective/Strategic Plan And Deployment Documents:

  • The college has perspective/strategic plan to implement the programs and activities in college. The college has quality policy and this is reflected in vision and mission of the college. The college continuously trying for assuring quality in all programs and activities and encourages to improve and strengthen the students through quality education.
  • The college has perspective plan for development. The college has constituted different committees of the teaching and non-teaching staff which play an important role in the planning and implementation of activities in different spheres of college functioning. The action plan is chalked out in consultation with all the stakeholders such as teachers, nonteaching staff and the students keeping in mind the basic and fundamental need of the college. The college motivates for better planning, implementing and enhancing the quality in all academic and administrative activities. The college constantly and continuously reviews the academic performance, semester exam results, pass percentage, awards/prizes and talented eminent students in achieving through curricular, co curricular, extracurricular activities, competitions, social service and extension activities. The responsibility of developing and monitoring of quality assurance is handover to the Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of the college which maintains quality sustenance in the academic, administrative and other activities.
  • The departments are motivated by offering financial support, creating more infrastructural facilities, introducing innovative teaching and learning resources and tools. The academic programs, co-curricular, extra-curricular activities, training, competitions, sports and NSS, deploy in quality policies.
  • Principal holds regular meetings with the faculty members, formulates the future growth plans of the college and designs plans accordingly, particularly in the areas of academic development, infrastructure development, healthy environment etc. These plans are then translated into various project proposals, faculty development programs, extension and co-curricular activities and the same are forwarded to the Institutional Planning Committee and Management for the approval of Once the plans and the funds are approved by the concerned agency, specific plans are made for executing the projects.

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