The Nature Club in MJM Arts Commerce and Science College Karanjali, Tal-Peth, Dist- Nashik is a committed group of people who loves and cares the nature. It aims at inculcating an appreciation of nature among students and encouraging them to participate in a variety of conservation initiatives. The club been active in the 2016-2017 and has annual membership of students, teachers and non-teaching staffs. Its efforts include educate the students and sensitize them to the opportunities and challenges in addressing environmental issues, organizing an annual tree-planting day, organises awareness programmes, and celebrates days of importance related to environment and biodiversity. The motive of the club is to create a socially committed future generation. The tag line of nature club is “Think Green and Live Green”. Take care of the earth and she will take care of you.
Conservation of resources has a significant role in protecting our Earth. The natural beauty of the Earth can be maintained via preserving several components of nature including water, air, soil, energy, vegetation, minerals, fauna, etc.The day provides us an opportunity to spread the message about the conservation of nature and to recognize that a healthy environment is a foundation for a stable and productive society.